Navigate is a brand new, six-level General English course tailored exclusively to adults. The course takes an innovative...
Новое издание популярного курса для обучения английскому языку выстраивает качественную лексико-грамматическую и...
Three complete papers for the Cambridge English: Young Learners tests (Starters, Movers and Flyers). The Student's Book...
When Baby Woolly sees a plane flying over the park, he wants to take to the skies, too. It's just the start of a really big adventure...
Lecture graduee de la collection Lecture CLE en francais facile destinee aux adolescents et adultes etudiant le francais...
Deep rivers, tall trees, strange animals, beautiful flowers - this is the rainforest. Burning trees, thick smoke, new roads...
The new graded readers series of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written for teenagers. It’s...
A1- , Starter...
Topic-based units offer thorough input and practice of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, with vocabulary...
B1, Intermediate...
A1, Elementary...
B2, Upper Intermediate...
A2, Pre-Intermediate...
People can lose battles, money, games, and even themselves. Read extraordinary stories about how loss challenges and changes...
Career Paths Computing - образовательный курс английского языка для профессионалов в области информационных технологий,...
Let's Talk Second Edition is a fully revised edition of Let's Talk, the successful speaking and listening course that takes...
Practica de la gramatica y el vocabulario. Libro del alumno + 1 CD-Audio del nivel europeo A1 perteneciente a la serie Deutsch...
Animals find many interesting and efficient ways of moving. This reader discusses how the creatures of our planet navigate...
Outre son role d'outil de formation, il propose les intineraires de classe, et le deroulement de toutes les sequences proposees...
Cold places, cold-blooded animals, catching a cold, getting cold feet - how many ways are there to be cold?...
Ideal for elementary or pre-intermediate learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is...
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