INTRO, comme « introduction ». Une methode « tout-en-un » pour debutants complets dont la langue et la culture maternelles...
Complement essentiel du livre, le cahier d'exercices introduit l'eleve a des techniques d'etudes de la langue etrangere...
Outre la description de la methodologie et du materiel proposes par Junior 1, ce livre du professeur offre, pour chaque dossier,...
Livre de l'eleve Metro Saint Michel 1 est une nouvelle methode qui vise des objectifs concrets pour apprendre a vivre, etudier...
Orthographe Progressive du francais предназначено для студентов и взрослых, желающих разобраться в тонкостях французской...
Niveau intermediaire - 500 exercices. L'ouvrage indispensable pour travailler l'orthographe francaise a un niveau intermediaire....
Niveau intermediaire Une serie d’ouvrages complementaires a la celebre collection Progressive du francais. Ces ouvrages...
Предлагаем вам издание на французском языке "Tout Va Bien! Level 1: Workbook" с аудиоприложением....
Niveau intermediaire. Comment s’organisent, se construisent, evoluent, vivent les mots en francais? Comment s’emploient-ils...
Книга для учителя к пособию Career Paths - Psychology содержит подробные планы уроков, ответы и аудиоскрипты. Серия состоит...
Methode de francais professionnel et des affaires aborde tous les aspects linguistiques et culturels de...
Competences est une collection d'outils pratiques qui permettent de travailler et de developperles differentes competences...
Every day people come to Mason's store - old people, young people, men and women. From his office, and in the store, Mark watches...
Containing the book and an access card with audio download. 'Conan!' cried Valeria. 'What are you doing here?' When Conan...
The Oxford Test of English is an online general English proficiency test. This practice test book will give students at B2...
Containing the book and an access card with audio download. Every town should have a 'card' - someone who gets talked about,...
Containing the book and an access card with audio download. What will we do when there is nowhere to put our rubbish? Every...
All men are created equal...' When Thomas Jefferson wrote these words in June 1776, in the American Declaration of Independence,...
Containing the book and an access card with audio download. Enjoy the tale of the princess who had to work as a goose girl....
Containing the book and an access card with audio download. Hal works at the zoo every day and his life isn't exciting until...
Containing the book and an access card with audio download. Read and discover all about desert life around the world... How...
Watch your students grow up with Rosie and Ben as they enjoy reading at the right level. The language is carefully graded so...
The Teacher's Book includes unit tests, progress tests and a Speaking DVD showing students doing Speaking tests in exam-like...
Prospero, the Duke of Milan, and his daughter Miranda are far away from home, alone on an island in the middle of the Mediterranean...
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