The English File fourth edition Workbook reinforces what is learned in each English File lesson, and can be used as extra practice during class, or set as homework. The Workbook gives students further Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation practise from each lesson. Opportunities for students to practise all the language from the Practical English lessons. NEW 'Can you remember?' sections to refresh and consolidate learning as students move through the course.
English File. Intermediate. Workbook with Key можно купить с кэшбэком до 216 бонусных рублей. Доставка самоучителя Oxford University Press в Москве на дом в среднем занимает до 2-3 дней. Вы также сможете забрать его в любом из пунктов выдачи заказов. На english File. Intermediate. Workbook with Key в наличии по выгодным ценам!
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