Поиск товаров по запросу: Книга для учителя Gateway to the World A2. Teacher's Book with Teacher's App

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Gateway to the World сочетает в себе совершенно новый контент и онлайн-материалы с методологией, которой доверяют тысячи учителей по всему миру. С помощью этого комплексного решения, состоящего из Student's Book, Digital Student's Book, and Student's App, вы сможете легко совмещать онлайн и очные занятия. Автор Дэйв Спенсер - практикующий учитель английского языка, использовавший свой личный педагогический опыт, чтобы создать курс, который гарантированно найдет отклик у подростков и вооружит их языком и навыками, необходимыми им для общения и работы. "Gateway" подготовила миллионы студентов по всему миру к успешной сдаче школьных, студенческих и международных экзаменов, дальнейшему обучению и трудоустройству. Тщательно протестированный и усовершенствованный благодаря обширным исследованиям, Gateway to the World полон свежего и актуального материала для уроков, которые будут увлекать и мотивировать. Gateway to the World combines brand new content and digital tools with a methodology trusted by thousands of teachers around the world. With this blended solution consisting of the Student's Book, Digital Student's Book, and Student's App you can move effortlessly between online and face-to-face classes. Gateway to the World combines brand new content and digital tools with a methodology trusted by thousands of teachers around the world. Author Dave Spencer, a practising teacher of English, uses his first-hand classroom experience to create a course guaranteed to resonate with teenagers and equip them with language and skills they need for life. The successful 'Gateway formula' has prepared millions of students around the globe to succeed in the school-leaving and international exams, further study, and the world of work. Thoroughly tested and perfected because of extensive research, Gateway to the World is full of fresh and relevant material for great lessons that will excite and motivate teenage learners and enable them to achieve their goals at school and in life. Key features: The Great Learners, Great Thinkers section, with its focus on Social and Emotional Learning, allows students to develop the emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills they will need for life. With the Virtual Classroom Exchange feature, students can connect with their peers in another country, so they can learn about culture and practise their English in an authentic and rewarding context. The Student's App includes gamified activities to make language practice easy and enjoy