Поиск товаров по запросу: Книга для учителя Access 1. Teacher'S Resource Pack. Beginner International

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Комплект для учителей с контрольными заданиями содержит ксерокопируемые материалы и тесты для использования в классе. The Exit Test at the back of the book covers all the material learned at this level and can be us as an effective assessment test for those planning to move on to the next level. A student who scores above 60% on the test can be considered to have the language skills necessary to cope competently at the next level. The publishers grant permission for the photocopying of the resource activities and tests for classroom use only. School purchasers can make copies for use by their staff and students only. Individual teachers can make copies for their own use or for use by the students they teach. Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale.