Поиск товаров по запросу: Книга Express Publishing "Fairyland 6. Book with Pupil's Audio CD and DVD (+ Audio CD)"

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Fairyland is a course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning English becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Join us and feel the magic! Fairyland Starter is a variation of Fairyland 1 with a gentle introduction to reading and writing in addition to the existing listening and speaking practice. Key Features: - interesting dialogues with a touch of magic. - presentation of vocabulary through colour flashcards and posters. - lively songs and chants. - gentle practice of all four skills. - craftwork, projects and portfolio activities. - constant recycling of vocabulary and grammar. - Activity Book in full colour. - step-by-step interleaved Teacher's. Book. - Teacher's Resource Pack with reinforcement and extension activities. - posters and flashcards. - fully dramatised CD's and animated DVDs.